
Baptism is a tradition with roots that stretch back thousands of years. Once a person became a follower of Christ, they announced this decision publicly by being immersed in a river, lake, sea, or pool. This is a significant step in the life of every believer.

What is baptism?

Baptism is the act of immersing a follower of Jesus into water. But it symbolizes so much more!

Why is baptism important?

Only belief in Jesus can save us. So, we do not become right with God through baptism. But it is an important act of obedience.

In the New Testament, new believers were baptized, just like Jesus was.

Baptism illustrates what God has done for you. Religious images have long been a significant part of expressing faith. As we are laid beneath the surface of the water, we illustrate that just as Jesus was buried but rose again. And just as water is used to cleanse, immersion illustrates that our sins have been cleansed by the Holy Spirit.

How can I be baptized?

If you’re interested in being baptized or learning more, please reach out to us! We’d love to connect with you, answer any questions, and help you take this next step in your faith.