News & Events
Easter is always a great time for us as we celebrate all God has done for us through Jesus’ death and resurrection. Make plans now to attend these special events, and invite your friends! March 20 11:00am Special Children’s Presentation; Soup and Sandwich lunch to...
News & Events
Many think of Samson as an incredible man of strength. God used him to defeat the Philistines time and time again in the face of unimaginable odds. Yet, is Samson a hero to be emulated? A close look at his life shows us things aren’t always as they seem. Join us...
News & Events
Every November and December, we take time to give back to our community and world through what we call our Season of Giving. The final numbers for 2014 are in, and we were able to see God accomplish a great work through our church family this year! As you look over...
News & Events
In September, our pastor and a team of three men will be taking a trip to reach out to the Ndau people of Zimbabwe. The Ndau are less than 2% evangelized and are in desperate need of the saving message of Jesus Christ. We are partnering with GraceLife Baptist Church...
News & Events
During the month of July, we have been collecting food items to donate to the Montgomery County Emergency Assistance Program. Thanks to your generosity, we have a table full of food to take to MCEAP this week! Our job isn’t over, hoewver! Take time to pray for...
News & Events
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