Your Choice
As we reach the end of the book of Joshua, we find that we are confronted with a choice: continue to follow God into the unknown or refuse to go on with Him. Find out more about this choice as we look at Joshua 24:14-15.
As we reach the end of the book of Joshua, we find that we are confronted with a choice: continue to follow God into the unknown or refuse to go on with Him. Find out more about this choice as we look at Joshua 24:14-15.
Following God into the unknown can sometimes bring about confusion and strained relationships if not communicated well. Find out how to overcome miscommunication in this message from Joshua 22.
As God divided the promised land between the tribes, He established six cities of refuge for the people. Find out what these cities teach us about the character and nature of God in this message from Joshua 20:1-9.
What will be said about you after you die? It will be up to you to decide how you will be remembered by the way you live you life. Joshua 14 describes the life of Caleb by saying that he followed the Lord his God fully. If you want your life to be remembered in such a way as this then you must be determined as Caleb was to follow the Lord no matter what.
Sometimes, a situation looks so good that we run ahead without stopping to consult God. We fail every time we fail to consult Him, however. Find out more in this message from Joshua 9-10.
We often think of our sin as private information that doesn’t affect those around us. This week’s sermon in Joshua 7 however, talks about how one man’s sin not only effects his own life but has an effect on many others around him as well. See how sin that was kept secret by one Israelite becomes public knowledge and hurts all those around and hurts God most of all.