Ready, Set, Go!
Although large crowds followed Jesus, he was not always well received. Find out how to face opposition and rejection in this message from Mark 6:1-6 by Curtis Mabry, a member of our church family.
Although large crowds followed Jesus, he was not always well received. Find out how to face opposition and rejection in this message from Mark 6:1-6 by Curtis Mabry, a member of our church family.
Do you ever look at your life and wonder, “God, what are you doing?” Find help in answering that question from this week’s message, based off Mark 5:21-43.
What would make Jesus stop working when a young girl’s life was on the line? The genuine faith of a desperate woman. Find three marks of genuine faith in this message from Mark 5:21-34.
At some point, most of us will feel like an outcast, alienated by our friends and family. This message, from Mark 5:1-20, offers a poignant reminder that Jesus loves the outcasts.
Sometimes, even as followers of Jesus, we feel like we are getting tossed around in a storm. Find out how Jesus taught his disciples to weather the storms of life in this message from Mark 4:35-41. This message was given by Mike Montgomery, a member at Christiansburg Baptist.