The Pattern of Growth, Part 1
So, if God has given us what we need to grow, then what’s left for us? Find out about our responsibility in this message from 2 Peter 1. This is the first of two messages.
So, if God has given us what we need to grow, then what’s left for us? Find out about our responsibility in this message from 2 Peter 1. This is the first of two messages.
Everything changed the day the Light came into the world. Find out more in this message from Luke 2.
We are not strong enough in ourselves to accomplish all we’d like to do in 2014. Learn where to find the true light to show you how to walk in this message from 1 John 1:5-10.
The Bible is clear that God desires the church to be marked by unity. What happens that disrupts it? Join us as we see that we kill unity when we refuse to kill our old way of living.
One of the exceptional things about the early church was their incredible sense of common concern. Find out what that looks more in this message from Acts 4.
Where is your life headed? Jesus tells us that it is going one of two ways in this message from Matthew 7:13-14.