I’ll Go!

I’ll Go!

Make the command to obey personal by joining Isaiah in saying, “Here am I; send me!” Find out more in this message from Isaiah 6.

I’ll Go!

Why Go?

If there are still lost people here, then why should we be concerned about the nations? Find out in this message from Romans 10.

The Outcomes of Faith

The Outcomes of Faith

As the writer of Hebrews finishes this section, he tells us about two very different but very real outcomes of faith. Find out how a life of faith can play out in this message from Hebrews 11.

The Outcomes of Faith

Unusual Faith

God delights in using unusual circumstances and unusual people so He can receive the glory. Find out more in this message from Hebrews 11:30-31.

The Outcomes of Faith

Fearless Faith

What truly strikes fear in your heart? Loneliness? Death? Failure? Find out how faith can overcome our deepest fears in this message from Hebrews 11.

The Outcomes of Faith

Passing the Baton

One of the most important parts of a relay race is the handoff. If you drop the baton, your team loses valuable time. See how that applies to the life of faith as we examine the lives of three men who passed the baton on to the next generation.