Unimaginable Sacrifice
As we continue our walk through Hebrews 11, we find that living by faith will, at times, require unimaginable sacrifice. How can God ask us to give up so much? Listen below to find out more.
As we continue our walk through Hebrews 11, we find that living by faith will, at times, require unimaginable sacrifice. How can God ask us to give up so much? Listen below to find out more.
A life of faith is an interesting combination. On one hand, we are called to hold tight. On the other, we must let go! Find out more in this message from Hebrews 11:13-16.
As we live in faith, God doesn’t always give us all the details we want, nor does life work out how we expect. So how do we live in light of such uncertainty? Find out in this message from Hebrews 11 as we see how God worked in Abraham’s life of faith.
Often, our walk with God requires us to do something we hate: wait! Yet a life of faith is faithful even while waiting. Find out what this looks like as we examine the life of Noah together.
God stands by His Word. Find out what it looks like to put faith in God’s Word as we study creation, Abel, and Enoch in this message from Hebrews 11:3-6.
As we begin our summer series through Hebrews 11, we stop to discover the essential nature of faith is much greater than many believe.