As we reach the final statements in the Model Prayer, we find Jesus again raising the bar as He details the necessity of forgiveness. Find out more about granting and receiving forgiveness in this message from Matthew 6:12-15.
How do we approach God for the things we need? Jesus gives us a simple statement that expresses a straightforward sentiment: Ask for what you need. Find out more in this message from Matthew 6:11.
Do your prayers seem to be bouncing off the ceiling? Perhaps you need to work on your heart attitude of prayer. Find out more in this message from Matthew 6:5-8.
Jesus has strong words for us in Matthew 6 regarding the way we give. Join us as we look at what He says in this message that continues our series, Raise the Bar.
Nobody likes a hypocrite, and sometimes, we as believers are the worst. Find out how Jesus calls us to live like who we claim to be as we continue our series Raise the Bar. This message is taken from Matthew 5:33-48.