Raise the Bar: A Right Heart towards Him

Raise the Bar: A Right Heart towards Him

As we continue through the Sermon on the Mount, see how Christ raised the bar of what it looks like to have a right relationship with God. Find the blessings of a right relationship in this message from Matthew 5:3-6.

Raise the Bar: A Right Heart towards Him

Raise the Bar: Introduction

In this introduction to the Sermon on the Mount, find out how Jesus raised the bar to new heights as He set a new standard in place for His followers, as well as examine the first blessing He lists of following Him.

The Picture of a Perfect Dad

The Picture of a Perfect Dad

There isn’t a man out there who couldn’t use some help to become a perfect dad. We find that help in the picture of a perfect dad that God outlines in our Father’s Day message from Ephesians 5 & 6.

The Picture of a Perfect Dad

The Jobs of A Christian

Although some aspects of the Christian life may be described as simple, living out a real relationship with Christ is not easy! Find out what jobs we need to fulfill in this message from 2 Timothy 2:2-7.

Choose to Finish Well

Choose to Finish Well

Wrap up our look at Moses’ life by examining the choices he made that allowed him to finish well in his final days. See what it takes to live out a God-glorifying end of life through the last chapters of Deuteronomy.

Choose to Finish Well

The Painful Choice of Pride

Date: May 27, 2012 AM Service In Moses’ lifetime of choices, he didn’t always make the wise choice. Find out about the painful consequence of pride in the life of a believer in this story from Numbers 20.