What to Do with the Election
How are Christians supposed to respond to current election? In this message, we discuss practical principles in thinking about our government that we see modeled in Acts 4:23-31.

Why Does the Resurrection Matter?
You may be familiar with the story of Jesus’ resurrection, but does it really make that much difference? Find out why the resurrection is so vital in this message from 1 Corinthians 15:12-26.
Strength Perfected
November 2, 2014 AM Service We face challenges almost daily in one form or another. Learn from Paul’s life how we can handle the challenges God brings our way as we accept, acknowledge, and allow.
The Nearness of God
Sometimes, life gets so crazy that we think either God isn’t paying attention or isn’t around to see what is going on. David shows us differently in Psalm 139 as he teaches us about the nearness of God. Find out more as we look at his words together.

A Faithful Servant
Stephen, one of the men chosen to lead in the early church, was an incredibly faithful servant. Find out 3 marks of faithful servants in this message from Acts 6:8-7:53.