Church membership

The Difference Between Attenders and Members: Commitment


At Christiansburg Baptist Church, we believe that commitment is key to a vibrant and supportive church community. While attending services is a great way to explore faith and connect with others, membership represents a deeper commitment to our church family and its mission.

A Biblical Reason

Christ’s Commitment to the Church. Jesus Christ demonstrated His love and commitment to the Church by giving His life for it. – “Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her”— Ephesians 5:25 He now asks us to be committed to one another. The Bible teaches us to encourage one another and spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Being a member means actively participating in the life of the church and supporting one another in our spiritual journeys.

A Cultural Reason

An Antidote to Our Society. In a world where commitment is often seen as optional, church membership stands as a countercultural statement. We live in an age where people treat their possessions, work, obligations, and relationships as dispensable. By choosing membership, you are making a stand against this consumer-driven mindset. It is a decision that builds character and strengthens community.

A Personal Reason

Spiritual Growth. Membership is not just about belonging to a group; it’s about personal spiritual growth. The New Testament emphasizes the importance of accountability among believers. If you are like most of us, you need people to encourage and challenge you. This is what it means to be accountable. We simply can’t be accountable without commitment. As members, we commit to supporting each other in our spiritual walk, offering encouragement, guidance, and accountability. This commitment helps us grow in our faith and become more Christ-like in our daily lives.

Discover CBC Classes

Want to learn more about Christiansburg Baptist Church? We invite you to attend our Membership Class. This class provides an overview of our beliefs, mission, and how you can get involved. It’s also an opportunity to meet our leaders and ask any questions you may have. After completing the class, you’ll have the opportunity to formally join CBC.