So far in our current Sunday morning series, we have learned that God guides us into his will by his Word and by life’s circumstances. But sometimes, God seems to speak to us more directly, through a still small voice, a gentle leading, or an unshakable sense of conviction. Every day, we’re surrounded by voices—opinions, expectations, emotions, fears. Some voices come from the outside. Others whisper from within. And in the middle of all that noise, we long to hear one voice above all. Jesus promised the Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth (John 16:13). But how do we recognize that guidance when so many other voices compete for our attention? How can we know we’re following the Spirit, not just our own thoughts or someone else’s plan? Our decisions matter; and we want to make the right ones. This Sunday, as we continue our Trip to Troas series, we’ll look at how God guided Paul—not through a step-by-step roadmap, but through the Spirit’s gentle direction. Sometimes that looked like a closed door. Sometimes it meant an unexpected redirection. But it was never random. Join us this Sunday and learn how to walk with confidence!