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Major Dalton - December 29, 2024

Jesus, the Promised Messiah

In his biography simply titled Grant, Ron Chernow tells the story of Ulysses S Grant’s meteoric rise from store clerk to Civil War hero and beyond. By the fall of 1863, Grant had oversaw successful campaigns in Vicksburg and Chattanooga. Suddenly, national leaders and politicians who just months before would have hardly recognized his name now sought to rub shoulders with the Union’s hope of victory. In October of that year, on his way to a meeting in Louisville, Grant was approached by Secretary of War, Edwin Stanton, and Ohio Governor, John Brough. Chernow describes the encounter: “While Grant and Stanton had communicated via telegraph, they had never set eyes on each other. Short of breath, asthmatic, snuffling with a heavy cold, the short, stout Stanton barged brusquely into Grant’s car, eyed the officers present, then began to pump the hand of a bearded man with an army hat whom he assumed was Grant. “How do you do General Grant?” he cried. “I recognize you from your pictures.” Stanton was embarrassed to learn he was shaking hands with Grant’s medical director, Dr. Edward Kittoe.” Chernow explained: “Stanton later admitted that in guessing which officer was Grant, he had eliminated the real Grant because he looked much too ordinary and wasn’t the prepossessing figure he had imagined.” Born in an insignificant town, to unknown parents, in humble surroundings, Jesus was also missed by many. He was overlooked because. “he looked much too ordinary and wasn’t the prepossessing figure" some had imagined. Today many still miss Jesus while searching for the hope he is. We can extend our hand to something that looks like joy; while real joy sets humbly by. We can pointlessly pump the hand of what we think will deliver peace; within reach of the Prince of Peace. Join us this Sunday as we examine the story of three “Wise Men” who could have missed meeting the real Jesus for the same reason.

From Series: "Hark, the Christmas Story as Told From Heaven"

The Christmas season is a time for meaningful stories. From tales of a reindeer with a glowing nose to a grinch whose heart grows three sizes, Christmas is full of important truths. But the best truth comes from the most important story of them all. If we want to know what Christmas is really about, we have to know the real story. and the best place to hear the real story is right from the source. The original story as told by the angels, the Christmas story as told from heaven. Join us for "Hark, the Christmas Story as Told from Heaven" and reconnect with the heart of the holiday season.

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