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Major Dalton - August 4, 2024

A Nagging Prayer

Let’s just face it, prayer might be one of the most difficult spiritual disciplines. But it is also among the most important. In Luke 17 we are told that Jesus begins to take questions about the coming of his kingdom. The questions come hard and fast. Most focus on what his kingdom will look like, and when it will come. Jesus, as well as he can using human words, tells them what lays ahead. But he was more concerned about what they would do in the "in between." What should we be doing as we wait for the promise of his kingdom? If we had to sum up his encouragement to a single sentence, it would be, "Persist in prayer!" Prayer is not easy. We like activities that clearly, and immediately, affect our situation. But prayer requires patience for God to act on his own time. And as we wait, it is easy for us to doubt the value of prayer. Does he listen? Does he care? Am I doing it right? We need confidence to persist in prayer, especially when it's not clear God is listening. In Luke 18, Jesus tells a story to help us learn an important truth: It is rational to expect God will hear us when we call, and therefore irrational to neglect doing so. Join us this Sunday morning us as we find inspiration to pray in his timeless words.

From Series: "Show and Tale"

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