valiunic / Pixabay
Our fall semester of small groups is just around the corner, with our first groups beginning September 10.
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Here’s the list of groups for this fall:
Sunday Afternoon
Sundays at 12:45
At the home of Mike & Linda Montgomery
Our college-age adults can get together at Mike & Linda’s house for lunch and a study of 7 Realities of Experiencing God.
Tuesday Morning
Christiansburg Baptist Church
Walk through the book of Exodus together and learn more about how great God is.
Tuesday Evening
At the home of Curtis & Karen Mabry
This interactive group will look at the lives of various men and women in the Bible.
Thursday Evening
Sean & Samantha Couch
Grow more confident in telling others about Jesus as we meet to discuss Sharing Jesus without Freaking Out.
Friday Evening
7:00PM (*First Meeting is 9/22)
At the home of Bret & Brook Nicholson
Walk through the books of 1, 2, and 3 John together and gain a clear picture of what it means to be a Christian.
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